Mastering Quilting: Birds in Air Block Tutorial

basics blocks guides how-to quilting tutorial Feb 27, 2024

Hey there, fellow quilting enthusiasts! I'm Rachel, and I'm thrilled to have you join me at Journey Back Quilts. Today, we're diving into the captivating realm of traditional quilt blocks with a focus on the timeless Birds in Air block. This block holds a special place in quilting history, and I can't wait to guide you through the steps to create your own masterpiece.

Unraveling the Birds in Air Block

The Birds in Air block is a delightful fusion of half square triangles and squares, resulting in a design that's both charming and elegant. To kickstart our journey, let's gather our materials:

- Three half square triangles measuring three and a half inches
- Two squares measuring three and seven eighths inches, diagonally cut
- One square measuring ten and a quarter inches, diagonally cut

Now, let's delve into the process

1. Assembly

Begin by arranging your pieces on a design board, ensuring you have a clear vision of your block layout. For the Birds in Air block, I opted for a contrasting color scheme, with light and dark fabrics complementing each other.

2. Stitching Together

With precision and care, stitch your pieces together, maintaining a quarter-inch seam allowance throughout. Take note of the directionality of your fabrics, ensuring your points align seamlessly for a polished finish.

3. Pressing and Nesting Seams

Press your seams in alternating directions to facilitate nesting. This technique ensures that your seams interlock neatly, preserving those coveted points and preventing bulkiness.

4. Finishing Touches

Trim and square up your block to achieve a pristine nine and a half-inch square. Attention to detail is key here, as perfectly aligned edges will pave the way for seamless block assembly in future projects.

Bonus Block: Nine Patch with Triangles

As a bonus treat, let's explore the creation of a nine patch block adorned with triangles. This versatile block adds depth and complexity to your quilting repertoire. Here's a brief overview:

- Stitch together three rows of three blocks, ensuring consistent directional placement.
- Use chain piecing for efficiency, minimizing thread wastage and maximizing productivity.
- Employ meticulous pressing techniques to ensure flat, uniform blocks ready for assembly.

Join the Journey Back Quilt Sewciety!

If you're eager to deepen your quilting knowledge and connect with a vibrant community of fellow enthusiasts, I invite you to join us at the Journey Back Quilt Sewciety. As a member, you'll gain access to an extensive library of video tutorials, exclusive discounts, and a supportive network of quilters from around the globe.

Looking Ahead

In our next session, we'll bring to life the beloved Aunt Rachel's Quilt Star block, a true masterpiece in its own right.

Thank you for joining me on this quilting adventure. Until next time, keep stitching and embracing the joy of creation!

Happy Quilting,

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