Hourglass Quilt Blocks: A Step-by-Step Tutorial

Apr 11, 2024

Hey there, it's Rachel from Journey Back Quilts, and today, we're embarking on a journey back to the basics of quilting. We'll be diving into the timeless technique of creating hourglass blocks, and I'll guide you through the process of making them two at a time. So, let's get started!

Choosing Your Fabrics:
To kick things off, I've selected two different fabrics for our hourglass blocks. These fabrics measure three and a quarter inches each. I'll begin by cutting them diagonally both ways, resulting in four pieces from each fabric.

Sewing the Pieces Together
With our fabric pieces ready, it's time to sew them together. Place two pieces right sides together and sew a quarter-inch seam down the side. Repeat this process for all four sets of fabric pieces. Remember not to rotate them as we'll adjust their orientation later.

Pressing and Nesting Seams
Head over to the ironing board and press the seams towards the darker fabric. This ensures a smoother finish for our blocks. Now, take the four fabric pieces back to the sewing machine. By rotating them, you'll notice that the seams can nestle together, creating perfect alignment.

Sewing and Chain Piecing
Focus on nesting the seams accurately and line up the raw edges before sewing them down with a quarter-inch seam allowance. Chain piecing is a handy technique here to streamline the process while maintaining precision.

Ironing for Perfect Points
Once again, head back to the ironing board. Rather than simply ironing the seams to one side, flip the blocks over. By alternating the direction of the seams, you'll create a pinwheel effect, resulting in flatter blocks and easier quilting.

Trimming for Precision
Now it's time to trim our blocks for precision. Using the diagonal line of your ruler, align it with the diagonal of the block. Ensure that the center point is at the desired measurement, in this case, 1 1/4 inches. Trim off the excess fabric, including the dog ears, to achieve perfectly sized blocks.

Repeat the trimming process for all blocks, and voila! You've created adorable, two-and-a-half-inch hourglass blocks. These little beauties are perfect for various quilting projects.

Congratulations on mastering the art of creating hourglass blocks two at a time! I hope you enjoyed this tutorial and feel inspired to incorporate these blocks into your quilting projects. If you're hungry for more quilting tips, tricks, and tutorials, consider joining our quilting Sewciety, where you'll find a wealth of resources to support you on your quilting journey.

Thanks for joining me today, and stay tuned for next week's tutorial, where we'll explore another method of making hourglass blocks. Until then, happy quilting!

Happy Quilting, Friend!
Rachel - Journey Back Quilts

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