Mastering Flying Geese 4 at a Time: A Step-by-Step Guide

basics blocks guides how-to quilting tutorial Mar 21, 2024

Introduction: Exploring the Basics

Hey there, it's Rachel with Journey Back Quilts, and today we're taking it back to the basics. We're diving into the world of flying geese, but with a twist – we'll be making them four at a time. Ready? Let's get started.

**Step 1: Gathering Supplies**

To embark on this quilting adventure, you'll need a block that's seven and a half inches square and four blocks measuring four and one eighth inches. Just like in our previous lesson, mark these blocks down the diagonal using a chalk pen or any marking tool of your choice.

**Step 2: Piecing Together**

With those lines drawn, it's time to pair up two of the smaller blocks with the larger square. Align the raw edges and overlay one block slightly on the other to ensure a snug fit into the corners.

**Step 3: Sewing and Cutting**

Now, let's fire up the sewing machine. With a quarter-inch foot attached, sew along both sides of the marked diagonal line on the larger square, ensuring a consistent distance from the line. Once sewn, cut along the line to yield two pieces.

**Step 4: Pressing Seams**

After pressing those seams flat, it's time to iron the smaller blocks upward, creating a charming heart-shaped design. Repeat this step for both sets of blocks.

**Step 5: Completing the Geese**

Now, grab the remaining two smaller squares and position them diagonally across the heart, lining up the raw edges. Sew along both sides of the drawn line, just like before.

**Step 6: Trimming and Final Touches**

After trimming along the line, you'll find yourself with four beautifully crafted flying geese blocks. Iron them flat, and then peel the blocks over, pressing them towards the sides.

**Step 7: Squaring Up**

To achieve uniformity, square up your blocks to a size of 3 1/2 by 6 1/2 inches. Ensure the diagonal of the block aligns with the markings on your ruler, and trim accordingly.

**Step 8: Unleash Your Creativity**

Once all blocks are squared up, the fun truly begins. Experiment with various layouts, from borders to intricate patterns. Play with the orientation of the blocks to create captivating designs.

I'd love to see your creations! Share your photos on our Facebook page, "Your Quilting Journey Show and Tell," and let's celebrate your quilting triumphs together.

Thanks for joining me in mastering the art of flying geese, four at a time. I hope this tutorial has inspired you to embark on your quilting journey. For more tips and tutorials, consider joining our society, where a treasure trove of quilting wisdom awaits.

**Next Week: Square Within a Square Blocks**

Until next time, happy quilting! Join me next week as we delve into the world of square within a square blocks. See you then!

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