Mastering Half-Square Triangles: A Step-by-Step Guide

basics guides half square triangle how-to quilting tutorial Jan 24, 2024

We’re back again with another how-to in the basics of quilting! If you’ve missed our previous posts about Half-Square Triangles, you can find them HERE and HERE. Today we're embarking on a quilting adventure to master the art of creating half-square triangles. In this step-by-step guide, we'll focus on making four at a time. So, gather your fabrics and let's dive into the basics.

Getting Started:

To begin, you'll need two pieces of fabric, reminiscent of our previous lessons. I've chosen a harmonious combination of light blue and dark blue. Tradition suggests pairing a lighter fabric with a darker one for half-square triangles, but if your fabrics have prints, ensure they are placed right sides together.

Unlike our previous methods, there's no need to mark lines this time. Simply align the fabrics right sides together and sew a quarter-inch seam around the entire box. It's akin to making a pillowcase, making this one of the simplest half-square triangle methods.

Fabric Dimensions:

For this method, my fabric pieces measure five and three-quarters inches. After sewing, they'll be cut down to three and a half inches, ultimately finishing at three inches square. This extra allowance ensures a perfect seam.

Sewing Process:

Sew a quarter-inch seam all the way around, making sure to stop about a quarter inch away from the starting point. A helpful tip is to lift the foot while keeping the needle down for easy turning. Adjust the fabric as needed for that precise quarter-inch seam. Once you've completed sewing, it's time to move to the ironing board.

Pressing and Cutting:

Place the sewn block on the ironing board, and press it flat. This step is crucial to flatten the stitches and prevent any scrunching. Now, take your ruler and cut the block diagonally on both sides. It's a straightforward process that yields four half-square triangles effortlessly.

Ironing Technique:

With the half-square triangles ready, it's time to direct the seams towards the darker side. Place the light side on the ironing board and press the iron into the seam, ensuring the dark side of the fabric lays on top. For an extra touch, use a clapper to keep everything flat and straight without the need for starch, steam, or mist.

Squaring Up:

To achieve uniformity, square up your triangles to three and a half inches. Place the ruler's diagonal on the block's diagonal, leaving a bit of fabric overhanging from the three and a half-inch mark. Trim the sides, rotate, and repeat for the remaining edges. This meticulous process ensures perfectly squared half-square triangles.


You've successfully created four half-square triangles at a time. Great job! I appreciate you joining me in this tutorial. If you’re looking to start quilting and want a community to encourage you along the way, check out our Journey Back Quilt Guild, which meets virtually each month! You can find all the details HERE!

What's Next?:

In our next session, we'll elevate our quilting game by exploring how to make eight half-square triangles at a time. Get ready for more tips and insights to expand your quilting repertoire. I look forward to seeing you in the next installment!

Thank you for accompanying me on this quilting journey. I hope this step-by-step guide has been helpful, and you're now equipped to create beautiful half-square triangles effortlessly. Remember, practice makes perfect, so keep honing your skills. Until next time, happy quilting!

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