Setting Up the Seams Sew Easy Flower by Riley Blake Designs

guides products quilting riley blake seams Dec 04, 2023

Hello Quilter Friend!

If you've been looking for an easier way to match your seams up, then you definitely want to keep reading! The Seams Sew Easy Flower by Riley Blake Designs is new and improved, and makes the tedious task of matching seams a much easier thing to do. It's fairly simple to set up, but there are a few things you will want to do to make the process flow smoothly.

The Seams Sew Easy Flower comes pre cut, so you don't have to worry about cutting out the middle. First, you'll want to go ahead and put the sticky pads on two sides of your flower. I put one high and one low (I'll explain why in a second). Make sure to save the others so you'll have replacements when these aren't sticky any longer!

Now, you're going to lift the foot on your machine, and then the open area of the flower is going to be sitting right around your needle plate around your feed dogs. If your machine has any markings on it, maybe it has some markings on your center line, or maybe where your quarter inch line is, that's a great way to be able to line this flower up and get it centered.

If you don't have that, what I would do is lower your needle. And see where your center is with that needle, and then just back it up carefully so that your, your center line is lined up with your needle.

What happens when I need to change the bobbin?

Of course you're going to have to take it off, that's why it's removable. Raise your needle, and just take one side off, spin it around clockwise so you can change your bobbin. Easy peasy. And then you're just going to put it back on the same way.

What is it best used for?

I use mine mostly for diagonals, so making pieces like half square triangles, making flying geese. I'm using this center line to help me line those up. It really comes in handy for those harder to sew seams.


Have you tried a seam guide? Let me know in the comments!

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